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The Delaware Tribe Then and Now

The Historic Schoenbrunn Village will host on Thursday, June 27th at 6:30pm – The Delaware Tribe Then and Now. You are invited to attend a presentation given by enrolled members of the Shawnee, Delaware, and Seneca-Cayuga (also historically known as the MIngo when living in Ohio/Pennsylvania) Tribes whose ancestors were all forcibly removed from Ohio […]

The Shawnee Tribe Then and Now

Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum & Clary Gardens are pleased to present The Shawnee Tribe Then & Now on June 28th at 6:00P.M. at the Clary Gardens’ Amphitheater. You are invited to attend a presentation given by enrolled members of the Shawnee, Delaware, and Seneca-Cayuga (also historically known as the Mingo when living in Ohio/Pennsylvania) Tribes whose ancestors […]

DNA 101 – The Basics of Genetic Genealogy Testing

Wednesday, April 10th, we had an amazing program given by Mary Milne Jamba. I must say, I went into this program with reservations about DNA testing. She calmed my fears and provided information that now has me considering the test. Mary explained you must first realize the purpose of why you are testing. Some reasons […]

Newly Published Books!

The Tuscarawas Co. Genealogy Society has recently published four new Connections books. Each book is a collection of five-generation charts submitted by TCGS members, all with Tuscarawas County family lines. Every name indexed. The books are spiral bound and contain between 230-300 charts per book. Connections V, VI, VII, and VIII are now in our […]

Researching your War of 1812 ancestors on the Internet

Last night Eric Johnson presented ‘Researching your War of 1812 ancestors on the Internet.’ It was the most informative lesson on military research I have attended. Some of the websites he suggested – Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office Records Automation web site http://www.glorecords.blm.gov American State Papers, The Library of Congress http:/memory.loc.gov/ammem.amlaw.lwsp.html Mr. Johnson […]

Preservation and Restoration of Historical Memorabilia

March 3, 2019 found Brenda Cook presenting an informative presentation on Preservation and Restoration of Historical Memorabilia. She advised those in attendance to consider the monetary/historical value of the article, along with the emotional value, potential cost, and risk of stability of the article. Brenda also mentioned many enemies of a collector – acid, trees, […]

Have You Set Your Genealogy Goals For 2019? 

I had never considered setting goals for my genealogy. Have you? I decided to start small and made a list of five items. Sort all of my digital files. Scan all of my mother’s photos. Get those photos into acid-free boxes. Scan all of my negatives. Get all the new photos, newspaper clippings, obituaries, letters, and […]

Bob Smith presented ‘Amish Funerals’ this evening

Tonight the TCGS members enjoyed listening to a presentation given by Bob Smith. Mr. Smith is the owner and operator of both Smith Ambulance and Smith Funeral Homes. His funeral home in Sugarcreek serves the Amish community in the area. Mr. Smith explained the difference between our ‘English’ funerals and the Amish funerals. ‘English’ funerals […]

Our Newest Toy – Fujitsu SV 600 Overhead Book Scanner

Last week found us playing with a new toy. A borrowed toy, but still new to us! It is a Fujitsu SV600 Overhead Book Scanner. The scanner allows us to scan material hands-free. It recognizes when the book page has been turned, can snip images apart, and removes any fingers that may have been scanned. […]

Happy Thanksgiving!

As you sit down for dinner on Thursday, remember all of those burning questions you have about family traditions! Thanksgiving dinner is an amazing opportunity to recall old family stories, recipes, and traditions. Uncle Sal…how is he your uncle? What about Grumpy Patsy…why was she always so grumpy? Did one of the nieces have a […]